Allows you to update the details of an existing event in a specified calendar.

  • HTTP Method: PATCH
  • Endpoint: /rest-api/1/event-calendar/events/{event-uuid}

Replace {event-uuid} with the unique identifier of the event to be updated.
Note: only events created by API calls are currently able to be edited via API.

Fields description:

This API uses the same fields as the Create Event API. Refer to the Fields Description section in the Create Event documentation for details about required and optional fields.
Also, you should include only the fields that you want to have updated. No need to send duplicate data.

Request example:

fetch("https://<site-url>/rest-api/1/event-calendar/events/{event-uuid}", {
method: "PATCH",
headers: {
"X-AldevaDigital-Rest-Token": "your-access-token",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({
name: "Sprint Planning Meeting",
description: "Updated details for the sprint planning meeting.",
starting_date: "2025-01-15",
ending_date: "2025-01-15",
starting_time: "10:30",
ending_time: "12:00",
color: "#00FF00"

Response example:

HTTP Status Code: 204 No Content
This indicates the event was successfully updated. No response body is returned.